Self-Empowerment: How To Empower Yourself

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I have lived long enough to understand that success in life has a lot to do with empowering and being empowered. We will be looking at Self-empowerment and how to empower yourself.

With how things are going in today’s world, you do not need to wait for an angel or a destiny helper to appear and get you out of whatever you are into; you need to rise and move!

That is why empowering yourself is an important role you must play in life, but how will you empower yourself if you do not know what self-empowerment is? Let us begin with that.


What Is Self Empowerment?

The term self-empowerment consists of two words: self and empowerment. Where self refers to you as a person, empowerment refers to the enablement, power, or support given to someone or something.

Self-empowerment means giving yourself the support and enablement needed to get things done and make life better for you. It is about taking advantage of what is available to provide yourself with what is lacking. It deals with decision-making, discipline, and taking responsibility for your life and your future.

It is synonymous with self-employment, self-help, self-development, self-mastery, and improvement, and with self-empowerment, the feeling is that you can do it, and you did it!


Importance Of Self Empowerment

When discussing the importance of Self-empowerment, we refer to the functions or what empowering ourselves does for us. And while there are many benefits to it, I want to share four importance of self-empowerment with you.

  1. Self-empowerment makes you independent.
  2. It boosts your self-esteem and confidence.
  3. It retains your respect.
  4. It promotes self-growth and development.

First, when you empower yourself, you shift from always being dependent on other people to being dependent on yourself. This is very important because the power of your progress now remains within your confines. And your success now depends on your input, not solely on that of others.

Second, raising the value you have for yourself would contribute immensely to building your confidence. When you empower yourself, you realize over time that you are worth more than you thought.

Third, people tend to reference people who can stand up for themselves without begging for help, which is what self-empowerment does. When you empower yourself, you respect yourself, and others accord you the respect you deserve.

Fourth, the whole essence of empowering yourself is to bring out your best version. You grow and get better in whichever aspect of your life you empower.


How To Empower Yourself

One thing about self-empowerment is taking advantage of what is available to improve on yourself to produce desired results. I think the word closest to that expression is improvisation. Then, you have motivation as an ingredient.

Below are five ways to empower yourself to become the better version of yourself and bring out the best in you:

1. Discover Yourself

The first step to self-empowerment is self-realization. Assume you are lost and begin to search within till you find yourself: what you are interested in, what you can do, and what you cannot do.

In discovering yourself, you discover your abilities and inability and find your unique talent. Then, look for what you should and should not do.

2. Acquire Knowledge

Growing up, I got used to saying, Knowledge is needful, and if you must make it, you must know it by JEB. Haha, that was my quote. To date, I cannot emphasize the importance of knowledge enough.

Everyone in life requires knowledge and its application to grow and develop; the same goes with you. You can either learn a skill, develop an existing one, or how to be innovative. I would recommend taking advantage of the Allison Empower Yourself learning program, which is free but valuable.

3. Set Goals And Pursue Them

It is not enough to know what you can do and decide to learn how to do it to get better at doing it. You need an outline of how to go about it. That is where goal setting comes in.

I understand that many people including myself had issues with setting goals and achieving them. That is because we did not put them down and tackle them head-on. So you have to be very intentional here.

The goal is your target or what you want to achieve in the short or the long term. It could be the course you are studying, how long you want to do it, and what you intend to do next. You write it down and make you walk with it. Give it a good tick when done and keep progressing.

4. Create Awareness

It is one thing to work on yourself and another thing to market your work. As you grow, creating awareness about yourself and what you do is another thing you should bring to the book.

Tell people about what you can do, offer to help where your skills are needed, and improve as you go. Two things can happen: you will get noticed, and you can build relationships with like-minded people.

5. Take Care Of Yourself

While empowering ourselves, we sometimes forget about our health. We discussed your Health is wealth and why you should prioritize it.

Self-care is necessary, and while you look forward to bringing out the best in you, you should practice healthy habits. Exercise, eat healthy diets, rest, meditate, and motivate yourself.

There will be times when you feel stressed, confused, and uncertain. Relax, take a walk, or go for a side view. Think of where you started and how you got this far, and you will realize why you must keep growing and going forward.

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